Amazon And Big Tech Preach, But Don't Practice, Net Neutrality

June 17, 2018

Recently, it was revealed that Amazon bans customers who return too many items. Amazon should be free to do business how it pleases and with whom it pleases; however, this is one of the gigantic companies pushing so-called "Net Neutrality" while also engaging in business practices that supporters of the Obama-era internet regulation complain about.  

Amazon, of course, reserves the right to block awful actors from their system, yet actively lobbies for rules that prohibit companies like Comcast from doing the same. There's nothing neutral about that and the hypocrisy doesn't end there.  

Like many other websites pushing for rules which prevent internet service providers from blocking, throttling, or prioritizing certain customers and users, such practices are the foundation of Amazon's business model — indeed the business models of other major pro-neutrality websites as well.

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