Fiber Optics Gyroscope Market Set to Witness an Uptick During 2017 to 2027

February 14, 2019

Fiber optics gyroscope (FOG) was proposed in 1975 and uses optical waves which propagate in an optical Fiber coil to measure a rotation rate accurately. Fiber optics gyroscope senses variations in angle using the Sagnac effect. However, Fiber optics gyroscope principle is similar to the interference of light which has passed through a Fiber optics coil whose length can be 5 km long.

Fiber optics gyroscope speciously simple design catches full advantage of the interchange principle in the propagation of light. Fiber optics gyroscope is widely used in Fiber optics gyrocompass which is a compass and navigation instruments. Other major applications of Fiber optics gyroscope is remotely operated underwater vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicle, and surveying.

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