Net Neutrality Activist Action Gears Up Again

August 14, 2018

It may be August recess for House members, but net neutrality activists are keeping the heat on, organizing another in a series of “action days,” on Aug. 16 for small businesses looking to get members of Congress where they live—back in their home districts—to try and convince them to restore net neutrality rules on ISPs.


That is the same day that Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), chair of the Senate Commerce Committee, is holding an oversight hearing with the five FCC commissioners—the chairman is also a commissioner—where Democrats are likely to bring up the topic of the new, regulatory-lite, net neutrality oversight regime.


Thune has been calling for bipartisan legislation to restore some of those rules and the FCC’s oversight of them, but without the Title II common carrier designation that under-girded the 2015 Open Internet Order the current FCC rolled back in eliminating the regs against blocking, throttling and paid prioritization.

Read more at Broadcasting and Cable
