Net Neutrality: Understanding Its Advantages And Disadvantages

September 10, 2018

The net neutrality debate is not only waging in one country, as it is an issue that concerns the entire world. While most have heard it on various radios, TVs, online, etc., most do not really understand what it is all about. But why is there so much controversy surrounding it? How does it affect every individual across the globe?

By essence, treating all internet traffic equally is all about net neutrality. Those who support it believe that internet service providers do not have the right to restrict content and/or other forms of the said traffic on their respective networks. As always, there are two sides to every argument. So, without further ado, here are the advantages and disadvantages of net neutrality. Perhaps, by having a better understanding of it, you can decide which side you must be on.

Read more at Augusta Free Press
